


Cleaning Works Part 15

The Walk-in Plague


Franz Erdl

July 31, 2013


Every walk-in is a burden for humankind as long as they aren't connected with their lower chakras. They can't solve their problems with their environment and their body and therefore are forced to either suffer or to pass on their problems. Naturally there are quite different types among them:


Walk-ins with Contract

The contract is between a walk-in soul and a human soul. The human soul declares itself ready to start an incarnation and to give the new body to the walk-in soul within the first two years. These walk-ins don't remember not being a full human. Since they do have a good character (or they wouldn't have made the contract) many of them try not to burden other people. However, this isn't possible 100%. It depends very much on the character of the individual whether they pass on problems. Facing their problems is very hard for walk-ins because there is no real solution without the respective chakras.

Walk-ins without Contract

I think there are a bunch of brutes who take over a body without considering what might happen to the soul of the owner. Others may have been forced to come here or they have been lied to and promised great things if they came here. Most of them don't have a good character but there are exceptions.

I don't know exactly what happens with the human soul but I did find out that the human soul can go back into the body in case the walk-in disappears.


Attachments of Feelings through Walk-ins

If someone finds artificial feelings attached to them from “living humans”, in 99% they come from those sociopath walk-ins. There is also a group of 45.000 humans who got the benefit of being allowed to pass on their feelings. They are those who are useful to the elite. But this group is small compared to the walk-ins. So if you find attached feelings from living persons within you, you should send them back forcefully and peppered with a little anger. They ought to confront those feelings themselves for once.

This passing-on of problems, unwanted feelings and pains has been organised by the non-incarnated buddies of the walk-ins. This has stopped since the buddies have been healed.

I am however annoyed by the amount of attachments in me and in others. Again and again and day by day new attachments come to the surface. We need a collective solution for this urgently.

I wrote that the attachments can come from living or deceased persons, extraterrestrials or Earth beings. The extraterrestrials are all guardians, that is dimensional guardians or planet guardians, to be exact. Living persons are 99% walk-ins or they are from the privileged group of the 45.000.


Walk-ins in the past 200 Years

I tried to find out by questioning how many walk-ins have been here during the past 200 years. The data are of course a little vague but I believe the tendency is about correct. Naturally I only did random tests.

200 years ago, that is 1813, there were 25 walk-ins. Those were human-like beings from another time line (I call them timeliners now). Why the walking-in, the going into an alien body, became such a fashion later is a mystery to me because, as I explained before, this form of existence is always problematic.










June 1813











































































4.5 mill.

4 mill.



10 mill.






July 1, 2013



July 31 2013







This chart raises many questions. I think I could investigate further for days but there are constantly new topics I don't want to loose track of. But I do have some comments:



The timeliners are so similar to us that they could be born by normal birth. Why don't they do that? Why do they renounce the luxury of having fully functional lower chakras? I was racking my brain but I got it. They lose their return ticket. In the walk-in status they can go back to their original time line after leaving the body. But now, in the walk-in status, they need other people's energy.

Basically, the timeliners are good lads. They come with a contract. You can see that in the fact that the Anunnaki rebels haven't touched any of them.



Apparently the Pleiadians didn't like it here? They are all gone and they only left ten as observers here. I know one of them in person.



I had almost forgotten the existence of the Sirians. A Sirian origin was rare among my clients. I heard only good things about beings from Sirius in esoteric circles. The walk-ins are still there, so they seem to be okay.

The Greys

It looks as if all Greys came here without contract. The Anunnaki rebels swapped them all completely. The Greys I met in person all had severe adaptation problems and it was difficult for them to live out of their own energy. The Grey I met here on the island is not a Grey at all but an Anunnaki. He has a kind character.

The Anunnaki

The Anunnaki who were here before 1989 came with contracts. In general they all have a good character but for lack of access to their chakras they unconsciously push some of their problem energies onto their fellow humans.

From 1989 on a flood of Anunnaki came, parallel with Greys, and they all came without contracts. Apparently they came here under mind control, or better, were sent. How, why, why 1989? This becomes too much for me to investigate.

The few (90) that were here before 1989 were allowed to stay. 190.000 of the new 200.000 Anunnaki have been swapped now. 10.000 have developed so well that they may stay. It is interesting that just today I had one person of this group. The lower chakras were still totally isolated. This has me guessing that the rest of the 10.000 has to get the connections, too.


Invaders and Deltas

It's the same game with the two races from the other galaxy. Those who were here before 2004 are ok. The many million that came from 2004 on came violently. Actually, this would mean that our elite consists of walk-ins only since 2004. I cannot believe this. There has to be a mistake somewhere.

However, I made some random tests: Brad Pitt, Obama, Schäuble, Bill Gates, all of them were legal humans in 2003. From 2004 on they test as walk-ins.

I found out that those who managed to develop a positive character are allowed to stay although they pushed a soul out when coming in. I'm astonished.

You can see by the numbers on the list that in July 2013 ca. 76 million invaders and Deltas disappeared. But until now much less have been exchanged. What is going on there? Well, they used their return ticket and left. What was going on behind the scene I don't know.

The 76 million bodies they leave behind all drop dead. That's a joke. They don't drop dead but the original human soul can go back into the body.

(The name invaders is misleading since they are not the origin of the invasion. However, I have to use a name.)


Anunnaki rebels

The 1.5 million Anunnaki rebels that are here now don't burden their fellow humans. They have got their chakra connections and are able to live out of their own energy. Because of that they are stuck in this body however and can't leave it in order to live as Anunnaki on Anu. They knew this before apparently.

When they die, can they choose whether they want to reincarnate here or go on existing on Anu, whatever way this might work (birth?)?


Exchange and Karma

For example, what happens to an invader's soul in case of exchange? What happens when the soul of a walk-in is pulled out of the body? I researched this and got the following results:

For about four days nothing much happens. Apparently the soul needs time to get used to the new condition. From the fourth day the problems that were left behind start acting up. These are the problems and feelings that have been disposed of by attaching them to other people. All that comes back. The most intense phase of retrieving is between the eighth and the twelfth day. After fourteen days the process is finished.

Accordingly, it takes fourteen days until the body that has been taken over by an Anunnaki rebel is energetically cleaned. These are the first two weeks during which a new one doesn't feel at home in their body. If an original (human) soul comes back into the body the same thing happens. After two weeks they have got rid of their foreign karma.

When I connect a positive walk-in with their lower chakras the fourteen days process begins just the same way. These walk-ins however don't belong to the club of baddies and therefore haven't been living in the luxury of their problems being automatically passed on. But according to their respective character they passed a little or a lot on to others, and this is what comes back within the fourteen days after getting their connections.

Walk-ins with a lot of compassion haven't passed on much but the osmotic pressure of their fears and pains does pass on to other people (which happens to normal people, too). To those the process won't be a problem.

Many walk-ins come from cultures that are superior to us humans, at least concerning their intelligence or psychic abilities but not when it comes to love and compassion. Those often develop an arrogant demeanour towards humans and through that a lack of compassion. This makes passing on problems easier even if it happens subconsciously.

No matter if they go back to their “superior” culture or stay here and get their chakra connections – during the fourteen day process they get back those repressions and have to deal with them.


Note 1:

Although the large mass of walk-ins is or was really a plague some have developed into precious and compassionate humans. Logically, the term “plague” doesn't fit for those people. I hope these people understand and forgive me naming this article “The Walk-in-Plague”.


Note 2:

When I was investigating a person's soul origin during the last months I apparently found a false origin for some walk-ins because I knew too little about this topic till now. Sometimes I found “Wowo1” as soul origin although a Wowo1 is not apt to incarnate here. Or I found two different origins. This however only concerns a few cases. For most people my result is correct.

When I get in touch with a topic which is going to be offered only in a few weeks it happens that I get a wrong result at first. I have the feeling my trainers do that so I keep quiet at present and don't waste too much time on finding the correct result because at the time I lack the right precondition.


