Part 5
July 24, 2013
The logbooks mustn't
be too long, otherwise it gets too uncomfortable for the dear translators.
Therefore now no. 5.
There were
misunderstandings about the phrase the code-bearers don't have an advantage
there. I meant by that they don't have an advantage to other people but they
have the same benefit from the activation.
The Anunnaki-rebels
who are coming here now by exchange are mainly Earthlings with a dragon part.
They were, like myself and many others, born on Anu and therefore have an
Anunnaki part. Other than us they have been Anunnaki much longer. They might
like to come back here because of their Earth origin.
Before going to sleep
quite something happened yesterday:
First of all 20
Dom.Rep. - politics
During the day we
already had bigheads but in the evening there was another massive
bighead-operation going on, always two at a time on Karin. Until I had found the
second one two new ones were already there. And all this was accompanied by
toothaches. We asked the Wowos whether they could do something against the
bosses who were ordering those attacks. I got an affirmative and waited what
would happen.
About 20 minutes later
I see someone before me. Very distinctly, silly face, ears sticking out Prince
Charles. Now what? What shall we do with him? First of all, out of the body. But
shall someone go in there? Who wants to put up with that? It's enough if he
drops dead, isn't it?
Just wait what will
happen. Next 35 persons came whom I had to get out, mainly people from Belgium.
Only after a while the replacement for Prince Charles arrived. Well, in he goes.
And then the 35 came for the exchange. Questions were repeatedly confirmed that
those 35 and Charles were responsible for the attacks.
Either things don't
work that fast or there are more bosses because today there were many attacks
again. Karin had some extremely painful dissolving of attachments in the
abdominal region today. She is lying down with miserable feelings and then
bigheads are coming into that on top of it. So today it is/was really bad.
Exchanges today:
Confidante reports 9.
I can confirm that. It's 9 Austrian politicians.
80 Dom. Rep. - economy
and finances
200 Dom. Rep. -
influential people, TV and press
16 Switzerland
200 Dom. Rep.
100 Japan economy
100 Egypt
80 USA military and
intelligence agencies
That makes 720
important exchange persons already for the Dom. Rep., ergo more than for the US
or Germany so far. It is getting clearer and clearer that they are up to
something here.
July 25, 2013
I checked now how many
elite and middle elite people have already been swapped during the mass exchange
proceedings. In that phase I didn't check where the smaller groups belonged.
USA: 600
Germany: 500
France: 500
Great Britain: 200
Italy: 100
The A-rebels who are
coming in are bringing soul-, mental- and astral body with them. They also bring
the upper chakras, beginning from the third. They take over the first and second
chakra from the host body. These chakras however could not be used by the former
owners so they are also not burdened with their karma. Principally only the
physical body can be full of interfering energies.
So the physical body
needs energetic cleaning and the two lower chakras need to start working. They
haven't been used in decades. As far as I could find out it takes the new ones
one or two weeks until they can make any changes in the outside. So we still
need a little patience (grrr).
The Deltas
In each Logbook 1 and
Logbook 2 a race from another galaxy was healed. One of them are the invaders
whose walk-ins are being removed right now. The other race has been enslaved by
them. Since I don't have a name for them I call them Deltas after the Greek
I have been meeting
many Delta-walk-ins lately, in private and through clients. Most of them are of
a positive mind and can be accepted into humankind. This is what I did. Even one
who has been doing black magic until recently was accepted by the Wowos. I had
doubts about another person but he also was accepted. It is obviously the case
that those persons are forced to provide themselves with energy and this isn't
always possible in a clean way. If they didn't have those problems they would
act differently. One person was not accepted, though. I would have refused them
myself, too.
Exchange Program
Late in the evening of the 24th:
150 for Columbia government
On the 25th:
My confidante reports
from Austria:
20 Austria
15 Italy banks
For me:
80 Switzerland
100 New Zealand
100 Switzerland TV
and press
220 Dom. Rep. - banks
and finances
70 Mexico drug
bosses and bankers (these seem to be strongly connected)
30 moon bases
Who would have thought
of that? I searched the whole Earth and found nothing. Finally I got a reaction
for space. For further results I had to remove some veils first. Then I found 10
bases with a total of 30 walk-ins and 10 humans. I found weapons systems as the
purpose but nothing more specific.
I got no energy for
radiation weapons, nor for rockets or ballistic weapons. I got a little energy
for atomic bombs and dropping them from UFOs. But it was not 100% convincing.
I can perceive these
10 bases and the Reptilian breeding facility, nothing more.
80 Great Britain
I am expecting a
goodnight present.
July 26, 2013
My goodnight present
were 200 Mexicans government
Today from Austria:
9 press
30 banks
The following exchange
program took place here:
100 New Zealand
economy, industry
90 Russia
billionaires, banks
30 Spain press
250 Austria -
general strike: TV, press, economy, banks
81 moon bases
I found 9 bases with 9
crewmen each. The bases seem to serve for surveillance. So there are more but I
had to dissolve veils in order to get a little through to the purpose of the
bases. I guess it was because of the veils why I couldn't find them before.
45 moon bases
5 bases with 9 persons
each. I can perceive the purpose only vaguely. Maybe they have lasers there to
take out satellites, maybe also for defence purposes against unexpected attacks?
I am very unsure here.
200 space bases
These are 10 space
bases with 20 persons each. Possible purpose: bomb storage (nuclear, I think).
In case of operation they should be deployed by UFOs.
Moon- and space bases
show a connection to the Pentagon which will surprise no one. The Russians and
Chinese would have been rather surprised indeed about unexpected attacks from
space in a possible serious scenario.
I just went looking
for more veiled bases and found some. So far I found 10 more moon bases and ten
more space bases. So in the evening some things are bound to happen.
July 27, 2013
In the evening came,
as expected, for the exchange:
200 in 10 more space
The morning of the 27th:
100 in 10 moon bases
30 secret no
information was given to me intentionally
57 Guinea, Africa
40 Philippines
Guinea and
Philippines. Quite unimportant countries. But this exchange has to do with two
friends of mine but I don't want to publish any details.
100 - China
80 Great Britain
40 again secret
40 China banks,
finance system
52 Saturn moons
4 Saturn moons, 13 persons per moon. Also see
Logbook 2, point 68. It says there that on June 2nd
extraterrestrials were healed.
I finally wanted to
know what was going on on these moons. They turned out to serve as prison.
620.000 Anunnaki were imprisoned there, and with their physical bodies. They
also exist without physical food like the physical Greys on Earth. Otherwise
they would have starved on those moons a long time ago, I think.
Since June 2nd
they are free but they were not able to leave the moons. I don't quite
understand that but the problem seem to be the 52 walk-ins. I got the info that
through the exchange it will be possible to leave the moons. Hey guys, come
visit us one of these days! Culture shock!
I tried to find out
what the Anunnaki look like but I don't know more than them having two arms and
two legs. There are Anunnaki with a dragon part, that is with Earth origin, and
normal Anunnaki. Those look probably different. After all, there are
descriptions that Enki looked a little like a dragon. So it is possible that the
appearance of the Anunnaki is quite different.
90 under water
facility Indian Ocean (also see <link>)
On June 28 I found
almost 20.000 humans there who were used as energy source for cloning. The 90
walk-ins were able to hold those people there until now. Finally they will be
free (and tell the story?). Exactly a month ago I was told they would be set
free (I am writing this after midnight ergo already on July 28).
July 28, 2013
In the evening 60
150 Venus
I discovered on May 30
that there were humans on Venus. Now I found 12.000 humans there. It is possible
that experiments have been done there for programming facilities for humans. Not
17 secret
14 different under
water base in the Indian Ocean with 500 humans. I think their magical powers
have been used.
80 USA Federal
Reserve Bank
140 Dom. Rep. -
press, TV
40 - Netherlands