



 Against all odds

The miraculous healing of my cat

May 2009



My tomcat Miko is a boob but showed me how to heal. I take this personal.

Here the history:


Four or five years ago, Miko had a skin-fungus, that we could fight medically.



However, the illness remained so long that after it the skin healed no more and hair grew no more. This was not so bad.


For a long time, there were no problems any more with Miko until one and a half years ago a new diferent fungus grew below the old place. In the first months, he got injections from a veterinarian and we regularly applied a salve on his back against fungi and bacteria. But the fungus grew. Of course, I did healing-sessions with him.  After all, the sessions caused that he had less fear, he did not anymore so often ran away when Karin wanted to catch him in order to put salve on him. Also he showed  less fear from strangers. But the fungus didn't become better.


With another veterinarian, we did a laboratory-examination. The fungus was called Malasesia, a bad guy and bacteria also was there. So, Miko looked like this:




But this picture doesn't yet show the full size of the fungus. It still grew bigger. Anyway, we now had to give him medicine with the help of four liver sausage-balls daily. It was stress, because he didn't want the balls. And it didn't help. The fungus grew and grew. Then, we left out the medicine because it didn't help anyway. The fungus grew further. The doctor thought, we would have to examine his thyroid glands. If he would have had a problem with thyroids, he would have to get medicine until the end of his life!


That was the point where we had enough. To catch him daily, put salve and impose balls? Never would we do so! Because of the daily capturing, his behavior became always more neurotic. His mistrust towards us grew. We had to make up better capture-strategies every day; always at observation, whether a favorable opportunity emerged to catch him. We could not continue with this procedure. But, what do we do now? At night, he lies down in our bed with his contagious illness. And the other cat could be infected as well. The decision was made: We must put him to sleep.


We discussed, that I would bring him alone to the veterinarian on Thursday. Karin should have to do nothing at all with it; she is in no good condition anyhow. Therefore I went there and . . no veterinarian was there. So I came back home with our tomcat. Friday, I had no time, neither on Monday. Then, something came in between. So, after one week we saw that Miko's back looked better than before. This hadn’t happened for 18 months. Ups, after one and a half years this tomcat heals himself? See a picture below, how his hair grow again:




And the morals of the story? - I don't know it, sorry.


There are many possible explanations. At former psychic healing sessions with animals, I mostly noticed an intense coupling between owner and animal. Often, the animals take over problems of the owners. But I didn't find out what he was supposed to have gotten from us. By all means, the decision to put him to sleep was an event, that brought up many feelings inside of us. Karin had built up some fury that Miko made it so difficult for her to help him. This came out with an outburst. And as I drove alone with Miko to the veterinarian, I felt sadness and I noticed how much I would miss him.


The miracle Miko accomplished, was to get worse with a lot of medical and spiritual supply and to later become healthy without any medicine and without healing sessions.


I believe Miko hereby gives a message to the people, who find no progress with medical means. He shows that the solution could be a quite different one and in contradiction to medical rules. In contrast to Miko, I am not against medicine. A lot of medicine is very helpful, but we should possibly not believe too much in our scientifically elaborated methods as the only solution.



