Alien Influence 1
Part 1:
The invasion has already
taken place
Mind control for the exploitation of the female energy
Manipulation of the collective-consciousness
Manipulation of your consciousness
Part 3:
The virtual heart-chakra
Place to escape: head
Sexual energy - Reptilians favorite-meal
The reverse resonance-law
Part 2:
Manipulation of the perception
Deception of the optical perception
Deception of the acoustic perception
Manipulation of extrasensory perception |
Part 4:
The structure of evil
What to do?
(Update April 24. 09, FE substituted by
mother essence)
information hasn't left my drawer for many years because I couldn’t find anyone
who was willing to believe it. In the year 2006, finally I found groups in the
internet, which seemed to work on the same topic. I thank the readers of the
(Cloudbuster-Forum), who showed me their interest through encouraging E-mails
which helped me to publish these articles here. Some contents are still related
to the CB-Forum, with what I believe, that this gives the articles more
I especially
thank the reader of the CB-Forum, who sent me 100 € in advance, in order to
encourage me to write a book. Nevertheless, I didn't write any book until today.
With this website, however, life comes back into my creativity and everything,
which I could write into a book, shall now be published here.
The invasion
has already taken place
As I came
upon the articles of James Bartley (appendix) in the internet, I was very
relieved to finally have found somebody, who came to the same, shocking truth
like my wife and I, with severe precision. Bartley is one of many hundred
Americans, who were abducted by aliens. After his own experiences with aliens,
he worked on at this topic together with a small group. Barbara Bartholic
probably did the main-work dealing with more than 700 (probably much more in the
meantime) abductees executing hypnosis-sessions in order to de-traumatize the
victims and, to find out the truth behind the abductions. Bartley collaborated
and posted some results in the internet.
abductions are usually carried out by the so-called greys. However, the
hypnosis-sessions opened that the greys are only underlings and executing organs
of the Draconiens (Dracs) and the reptoid lizards (Reptos), who probably came
from the system Alpha Draconis. This is not so important. However, important is
the realization,
that a fake
memory (Screen-memory) was implanted to the abductees about their abduction.
These implanted memories consist of the general statement that the aliens want
to help the people, that they want to improve the astral and physical body of
the abductees and prepare them for any particular tasks and that all
interventions are good for the abductee.
When through
intensive hypnosis-work the Screen-memory could be broken, reptilians and dracs
showed up with their actual intents: To abuse the abductees, to traumatize and
to manipulate, in order to be able to use them for their main purpose:
to subjugate
The articles
of James Bartley show an alarming picture of the dimensions of the
reptilian-draconian influence over life and consciousness of mankind. But even
if one will feel bad at the first moment, it is better to know how the trap
looks, in which one sits, than to ignore it.
My wife and I
have a quite particular relationship to the articles of James Bartley. We do not
have any memories of being abducted, but we have intensively suffered from the
reptilian influences. At that time we didn't yet know what kind of beings they
were. The Reptos wanted to destroy our relationship, put stones into into our
ways and our projects, prevented any success and surrounded us with manipulated
people. Thanks to our sensitive abilities we were able to notice, that the whole
thing was a large-scale action, controlled from the astral dimension. In one
situation, an unknown helping influence moved my astral body into a subterranean
supervision-headquarter for some seconds, that finally convinced me about the
existence of a large-scale manipulation system. At that time however, we found
nobody who wanted to know something about alien influence.
In the years
1997 until 99, we collected the information about the alien influence. However,
these texts remained in my drawer because nobody wanted to hear anything about
it. We finally gave up any attempt to shake and wake up people and left the
country. On purpose we moved to a country of the third world, where the people
live in bad conditions so that they notice by themselves, that something is not
in order. The people in Germany at that time could still afford an acceptable
lifestyle and they were not willing to assume such negative statements. Of
course I don't want that everybody feels so bad until they finally notice that
something is not correct. However, I believe that meanwhile some of you can
recognize Bartleys articles as extremely important.
When reading
Bartleys articles, I noticed that he writes very much the same as that, what
lies in my drawer. He even uses partially the same chapter-titles. However,
Bartley writes a about experiences, I don’t know about, specifically about
But I am not
envious at all. I am glad, that this information now is publicly accessible.
Here some
key-statements of Bartleys articles:
Here is a small sampling of the
known capabilities of the Reptilians.
The reptilians are paraphysical
beings who can alter their vibrational density to operate within the confines of
our three dimensional world both in and out of the normal visual spectrum.
The reptilians can manipulate the
human "dreamscape" and install all manner of conditioning and programming much
of which is erotic or perverse in nature. They specialize in manipulating ones
dreamscape with erotic imagery specifically designed to promote certain
behaviours and alternative lifestyles within a given abductee population. I know
of no one else besides our team who is even aware of this very basic and
pervasive reptilian programming agenda.
The definition of the word "Lifespan" as we understand the term does not apply
to these reptilians who live in their own vibrational density long enough to
manipulate countless generations of a given genetic/soul matrix population in
our dimension.
he wrote that the reptilians essentially shortened our life-span.)
The reptilians are master
geneticists who have created subservient races of non-human beings to act as
Specialists tasked with furthering certain agendas directly impacting the human
race including but not limited to genetic and soul matrix manipulation of the
abductee population. It is through the latter program that Hosts are created
through apparently normal human childbirth. These reptilian hosts are geared to
sow confusion, discordance and disinformation amongst the abductee population.
Dr. Richard Boylan
amongst others is a Host for a reptilian entity. Make no mistake about it. I
have lost count of the number of websites placed on the internet by reptilian
hosts. There is a new one that was put in place quite recently.
The reptilians do not need spaceships to travel in. They
merely create a portal entry in the house of the abductee they need to work
with. They literally walk through this space/time opening and appear in your
bedroom in full physical density.
At other
passages he explains, how that what he calls an abduction looks like: The greys
carry out the kidnapping and the manipulations. The Reptos usually don't appear.
Therefore, a lot of literature appeared about the "dangerous greys." However,
the greys are not that much important.
A part of the
"abductee" senses himself lying in bed, and another part (probably the
energy-body) appears in subterranean installations. There they inject and
operate in impertinent manner. The part lying in the bed senses the
interventions in his body. Later the memory of the abduction and the
manipulation is changed or is deleted.
Reptilian magical control of women
(as well from: "on the march"):
If you haven't guessed by now, the control and domination
of human females is THE primary objective of reptilian operations vis a vis the
human race, because women--through their creative, intuitive and nurturing
nature--have a direct connection to the Divine and are therefore a threat to the
reptilian overlords of this world.
This subjugation of women and the feminine principle in
general has filtered down via the reptilian inspired secret societies and
fraternal orders to become a fundamental aspect of most religions on this
Ironically the use (or misuse as it were) of Tantric
Sexual Magick is a fundamental part of Black Magick. In other words the Black
Magicians know that the feminine generative principle is an immensely powerful
force which they exploit for their own evil purposes at the expense of the human
race in general and human women in particular.
So far James Bartley.
My wife and I
found out the following:
The female
energy is so important for the reptilians that they control, disturb and tap
each individual man-woman relationship. Relationship-problems have been created
by the reptilians. Every dispute between you two is a reptilian-opera. Every man
is unconsciously programmed to suppress the female principle of his partner.
Most women already suppress their female principle by themselves – and so on.
Mind control for the exploitation of the female energy
The following
texts my wife Karin and I collected during the last ten years. They are
partially based on events that we experienced ourselves and to the other part on
extrasensory perceptions.
and draconians and their grey helpers manipulate our collective-consciousness
since ten-thousand of years as well as the consciousness of each individual and
they forget nobody. Mindcontrol involves not only some “laboratory-rabbits”,
that were abducted or were processed in particular institutes, no - we are all
mind controlled. Mindcontrol can cause, that you read some chapters but not get
the point of them, or you read something, that is not there, or you understand
my statements in a different way. Unfortunately I can’t do anything about that.
Manipulation of the collective-consciousness
The reptilians (I will use this collective-concept since the dracs are also of
reptilian nature) have neatly, drafted each of our religions and philosophies
with very much love for details and placed them in scene for us. ALL religions
are reptilian trademarks and are dangerous. (Sorry, also the Buddhists and also
those, who sit in Tibet in the mountains.) The more truths they contain the more
dangerous they are because then they are more difficult to expose. The
reptilians constantly work on our philosophies; one of their latest creations
was New Age. The spread of the idea of our forthcoming ascent to the fifth
dimension was quite clever. Those who are waiting for this ascent will not put
much effort in defending our three-dimensional planet earth. But this is what it
is about - the massive defence of the earth, because they would like to take it
and they would like to keep us as energy-supplier.
The religions are an important part of consciousness-manipulation. But they also
work constantly at the consciousness of the different races and the inhabitants
of the different countries.
This might not be new for you, but nevertheless I wanted to mention it.
Manipulation of your consciousness
Now it becomes difficult. This topic cannot be dealt with a few sentences, and I
hope you will not be bored with my implementations.
Maybe it is a good entry to begin with the main-intent of the reptilians, namely
that they want to suck the female energy , especially the mother essence from
mankind. This is what their mind control is pointed to. Now I have to explain,
what I mean with mother essence. Here comes what we found out:
Each human being has female and male energies, a female and male side. But that
is not the topic. The
best word for this energy is mother essence.
This female energy comes from the woman's abdomen
(strictly speaking from the second Chakra). This energy works passively, that
means, women must not do anything to make it work. Only the energy should not be
prevented from flowing. If the mother essence can flow unrestricted into the outside
world, something wonderful happens: The outside world changes into a paradise.
The mother essence is the source of affluence and abundance in the framework of a family.
Under suitable circumstances, a woman can hold an even bigger circle of persons
in agreeable and happy conditions. Climate, animals and plants are happy to come
in resonance with the mother essence and produce positive circumstances for the
human beings, for example sufficient food, disappearance of parasites,
mosquitoes etc. Also beauty, well-being and health are products of the mother
can assume that only a small fraction of the mother essence is available to us.
This causes that the largest part of mankind lives in wretched circumstances and
causes energy and climate-problems etc. If there were many women with intact
mother essence,
all planetary energy-problems would be solved. Free energy would be available to
everybody. But with the actual lack of mother essence, our geniuses can try as hard as
they want - free energy won't be available to the public.
All this stands here as a claim, but maybe some of you can sense a kernel of
truth in it because once, a long time ago, we have already lived in so wonderful
conditions. According to our perceptions these kind of conditions existed in
we accept this description of the mother essence, it must become clear for you, man, that
you cannot earn your Ferrari through overtime in the office but rather begin
looking at your wife with new eyes. I believe this is a good example that makes
a durable impression. And, to make it even more glaring: The reptilians drive in
your Ferrari, having a good time with your wife's energies, while you slave away
about the survival. - How do the reptilians do this?
Here one of the mind control methods:
Ridiculous, embarrassing,
typical woman
There is a joke of a woman in a traffic circle (roundabout), who becomes
desperate about leaving the circle. She finally parks her car inside the traffic
circle and calls her husband. If a man tells this history pleasure-fully, most
women would like to disappear in the ground. It’s such a painful feeling and she
knows it so well. It can be just as embarrassing, if a woman buys two T-shirts
for $4.95 each and is completely blocked (reptilian control) in calculating the
sum. But at least one man must watch the event to make it really embarrassing.
Reptilians block women to originate embarrassing situations. In the course of
time, a trauma is created so that the woman blocks herself already by fear. The
man becomes a involuntary (mind controlled) reptilian agent. His opinion about
his wife's deficiencies, which additionally agrees with the public opinion, is
enough to weaken his wife so much, that the reptilians can absorb a morsel of
energy at this moment. By dissociating himself from his wife in these seconds or
minutes, he withdraws his protection from her and one piece of his Ferrari is
lost. He doesn't have to say a word, his negative thoughts about her are enough
to allow this theft.
The situations are unending: Woman always needs indefinitely long if one wants
to go out. She never knows what clothes to put on. - Men, sit down together with
your partner and list the points, that come under this category. You must learn
what hurts your partner. Maybe you can notice, what that means: Pay attention
to your automatic responses to your partner. You must be very awake and
conscious together. Situations, where you close your heart are not only
unpleasant but dangerous.
For example I feel fear, if I have the feeling, my wife buys too many shoes and
spends too much money on it. That seems to be an old trauma of myself and ties
up my heart on that occasion. You must talk together about that - about the
fear, not about the shoes. I know, that men don’t like to talk about their fears
(mind controlled), they rather bitch about the purchase of the shoes. That is a
dangerous repression of the problem, that weakens your wife, strengthens the
There are women, who avoid the awkwardness from the beginning, by assuming male
principles. They act practically like a man. Since they hate their ‘being
woman’, usually they are also unpleasant to other women. Their mother essence has almost
disappeared; a deep wound can be found in the heart over this loss.
course the aforementioned practice works only for couples and also only then, if
both are on the wavelength to deal with these topics. If you are single, you can
think again how that topic showed up in your last relationships. But the topic
needs practical experiences with a (new) partner. Everyone should strive for to
have a partner-relationship. Whoever wants to voluntarily remain alone ousts
would like to point out to you that Karin and I have not yet solved the
reptilian-problem at all. The female energy does not flow at all. We are
constantly attacked and drained of energy and we constantly must fight back.
What we reached until now: a reliable, good partnership without mutual injury.
We don't have any recipes for a final solution unfortunately.)
End of Part 1